Commercial Pressure Cleaning North Brisbane

We know North Brisbane and surrounding Brisbane Northside. We can work closely with businesses to clean up their commercial and industrial premises with minimal disruption.

Commercial Pressure Cleaning In North Brisbane, and Brisbane Northside

When it comes to North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros service, good results are guaranteed!

Are you searching for commercial pressure cleaning professionals in North Brisbane? This is your lucky day! North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros is the leading commercial pressure cleaning specialist in North Brisbane.

We offer comprehensive pressure cleaning services to various clients such as NGOs, shops, schools, commercial business offices, and industrial properties all over North Brisbane as well as the surrounding suburbs. We offer state-of-the-art pressure cleaning services to revive tiled and concrete surfaces that have seen their better days.

Contact us today at (07) 3132 3833 for a free quote! Or read on to find out how we restored the former glory for thousands of North Brisbane driveways.

Why Choose Commercial Cleaning in North Brisbane

Improved Street Appeal of Your Exterior

Shop Awning After Pressure Washing

We are fully aware how crucial it can be to keep your business facilities looking great. So we don’t mind going that extra mile to make your property look like new. Our pressure cleaners are highly trained and only use non-toxic cleaning solutions that are guaranteed safe for you, your employees, and customers.

You Can Save Time and Money on Maintenance

Doing regular high pressure cleaning will aid in saving your North Brisbane, and Brisbane Northside business money in the long run by helping you spend less on repairs. 

How? You see, commercial buildings are public areas that attract lots of foot traffic. Because of this, all kinds of contaminants such as dirt, dust, and bird droppings can be carried to your establishment.

These contaminants can cause damage to your building’s exterior over time. They can cause cracks and patches in walls, colour fade, paint peeling, and brick discolouration.

These damages can lead to huge costs if you don’t hire the right pressure washing company to maintain your property. These contaminants should be removed by them immediately before they cause damage to your building.

Help in Preventing Dangerous Falls and Slips

Slippery surfaces or moss growth can lead to risky or even life-threatening falls. If that is not bad enough, slippery walkways can also be created by the elements outside.

These areas can be kept clean and maintained regularly to remove dirt, moss, and other debris that can pose dangers to customers or pedestrians.

Professional pressure cleaning can keep these areas safe and clean by getting into the crevices and cracks to kill germs.

Enhanced Air Quality

A pressure washer is an excellent choice to ensure that customers won’t inhale smoke inside your business premises. This will clean walkways and parking lots of soot, grease, and other debris that could cause respiratory problems.

Regular pressure cleaning is also a good way to get rid of mould and mildew which can cause problems with the respiratory system. This will increase the air quality in your workplace and help you to prolong the lives of your customers and employees.

Effectively Protect Brickwork

Brickwork in commercial buildings is exposed to many elements and can become damaged over time. The building’s structural integrity is also dependent on how well they’re cleaned and the care they get.

It is important to hire professionals to maintain your brickwork’s tip-top shape.

Contractors will clean the brickwork and the entire area with low pressure cleaners. This will eliminate construction debris and prevent future problems. Your brickwork will be in good condition for a long period.

North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros is the top commercial pressure cleaning company in North Brisbane, and Brisbane Northside. We combine our years of experience with the most appropriate equipment to provide top-level results.

To speak to our friendly customer service representatives, call us at (07) 3132 3833.

Get a free quote by contacting us

Commercial Pressure Cleaning Services at North Brisbane

North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros has been all over the place doing high-level cleaning services throughout Brisbane Northside regions. We are proud to have a lot of positive reviews from our clients.

It doesn’t matter if you are a school, a club, a P and C, you own a shop, or managing a large commercial building, North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros provides the following services:

Gutter Cleaning Perth

Commercial Gutter Clean North Brisbane

Leaves and twigs of trees and other debris can become stuck in drains and gutters and cause damage to your building. Because of this, it is important to have your gutters cleaned regularly by professionals. We will not just clean your gutters; we will make sure they work perfectly and efficiently for their intended purpose.

Commercial Roof Cleaning North Brisbane

Roofs that are deprived of regular pressure washing can turn leaky in the end, with build up of dirt, grime, algae, and moss that can cause damage. If left untreated, bacteria and mould can cause serious health conditions. To ensure your roof remains in good shape and protects your health, we will remove any debris from it. The soft washing that we offer helps preserve your roof’s life.

Car Park Washing North Brisbane

Our cleaners will use high pressure and hot water to clean your car parking lot. They will remove oil stains, dirt particles, and chewing gum. They will make sure to leave your site in its tip-top condition.

Tennis Court Cleaning North Brisbane

If you have tennis courts, they can attract dirt and other debris to your recreational or entertainment area. These will make the surfaces slippery and create a danger for players. We will guarantee to restore your tennis court’s original appearance and ensure the users’ safety.

Concrete Cleaning North Brisbane

We clean concrete surfaces with a high-pressure cleaning machine and eco-friendly detergents to ensure that grease, grime, and grease buildup are thoroughly eliminated. Doing so will not only make your concrete look like new but also prevents it from any damage that may arise due to harsh weather. To protect concrete areas of your property while cleaning them, North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros applies soft washing methods and hot water.

Graffiti Removal North Brisbane

Are you fed up seeing graffiti on your walls? If you are, then, it is time to get rid of them. Using special graffiti removal equipment used for commercial application that doesn’t harm your paint or wall, North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros can get rid of any graffiti on your property. Rest assured that we use only the safest graffiti-removal products that can handle the toughest graffiti without damaging walls.

Industrial Cleaning North Brisbane

North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros provides industrial cleaning to property and business owners in Brisbane Northside. We are able to do the job quickly and professionally, regardless of whether you need to remove grease spots and oil from concrete or grease from machinery or conveyor belts. We are equipped with all the high-pressure cleaning equipment necessary to remove dirt, grime, oil deposits, and other contaminants from industrial sites without harming any parts and surfaces.

Below are the other commercial pressure cleaning services we offer in North Brisbane, and Brisbane Northside which include:

  • Shopping centres
  • Retail facilities
  • Service Station
  • School grounds
  • Churches
  • Public parks (concrete areas)
  • Courts (tennis, netball, basketball)
  • Childcare centres
  • Shade sails, umbrellas, awnings
  • Warehouses
  • Body corporate
  • Solar Panels
  • Industrial Equipment

Get a Quote for Free!

Do not hesitate to request a no-obligation quote to make your exterior cleaner.

Our In-Depth Commercial Pressure Washing Process

We follow these steps to provide the best commercial pressure washing services:

Assessment and Pre-clean

Before we start working on a specific area, we do a thorough assessment to determine its size, condition, and potential contaminants that need to be eliminated. It is possible to perform an initial estimate of the area without having to go through a physical inspection.

roof cleaning Qld before vs after
Aluminum Roof Pressure Cleaning Before Vs After

Pre- Treatment Application

Pre-Treatment. To clean up contaminated areas, our professionals use safe and effective cleaning agents and detergents. This pre-cleaning reduces the time and effort to remove most of the contaminants on the surface being cleaned.

Cleaning Time

High Pressure Cleaning: Our technicians use commercial-grade equipment to thoroughly clean the surface. To minimise the damage to surfaces caused by chemicals, we use low pressure and hot water. Also, we take extra care not to move too fast in areas with delicate finishes.


Once the cleaning is done, our technicians inspect every area to make sure it is clean and spotless.

Customer Satisfaction

Once the site is cleaned up to your satisfaction, we will notify you.|Our team will notify you when the entire site has been cleaned to your satisfaction.|We will notify you when all areas have been cleaned to your satisfaction.|After the site has been cleaned and inspected to your satisfaction, our team will inform you right away.}

Other pressure washing services we offer in the North Brisbane and surrounds, include:

North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros can be reached at (07) 3132 3833 today for a professional driveway cleaner in Brisbane Northside.

Get a Quote for Free!

Do not hesitate to request a no-obligation quote and take the first step towards the beautiful exterior you are looking for.

Why should you hire North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros to Clean Your Commercial property North Brisbane?


Having over 10 years of experience, North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros has vast expertise in tackling building cleaning regardless of shapes and sizes and the type of cleaning job required. Rest assured that we will do the job right the first time.

Driveway Pressure Cleaning Central Qld

High-Quality Work

Our promise to you: We will always do great work and deliver excellent results every completion of any project. All of these are possible because we meticulously select our staff members and take pride in investing in eco-friendly cleaning chemicals and high-quality equipment.

Customer Satisfaction

We are a customer-focused business. This is why every pressure washing job we undertake exceeds your expectations. We can work with you to create a schedule that works for your business to make sure no time is wasted.

Fully Licensed and Insured Professionals

Having over 10 years of experience, North Brisbane Pressure Cleaning Pros has vast expertise in tackling building cleaning regardless of shapes and sizes and the type of cleaning job required. Rest assured that we will do the job right the first time.

Affordable Price

We are not another North Brisbane business. We are part the community. No matter how many properties we clean, our prices are always affordable.

Modern Equipment

We only invest in the highest quality cleaning equipment to deliver high-quality results and avoid damaging sensitive surfaces. Our equipment set includes the best industrial nozzle pressure washer that moves at an amazing speed of 38 metres per second.

Areas We Cover:

Ready to upgrade your commercial property? Call North Brisbane’s high pressure cleaning experts

Let’s make your business premises look like new again. Contact our friendly and knowledgeable team to receive a complimentary quote and more information about our commercial pressure cleaning in North Brisbane or the surrounding areas.

External Pressure Washing Perth